Well I have been meaning to do this for a month but only just got round to it. I am going to be using this new blog to focus on the activities me and the kids do and the other blog will be a more personal one about milestones etc... so I will be making that one private and this one public!
Anyway now onto my first Totschool post of the new year!
Our theme for January has been Winter (couldn't really be anything else in this weather!!)
We have had a Winter Sensory Tub
This contained:
Cotton Wool Balls
Various small animals
Clear glass pebbles
Mini glass 'crystals'
Whole Walnuts
Ice cube trays
The usual mini kitchen utensils
Art and Craft
Using an idea from No Time For Flashcards I glued the shape of a snowflake using PVA glue. The kids then stuck mini marshmallows along the glue!
Baking Snowmen
I used a basic 'Sugar Cookie' recipe and made biscuits in the shape of snowmen for the children to decorate with white icing, mini marshmallows and chocolate buttons. This would have gone better, only I didn't make enough iscing so there was a bit of a fight! I will be trying this again but with valentine hearts though!