Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Begging letter...

So nextr week we are off to Center Parcs. Just one thing though; we need to get the school to authorise the holidays-eek. I thought it was a simple matter of the teacher using their discretion and signing the form but Oh no!. I was made to feel like a naughty fourteen year old by the school receptionist when trying to fill in the form (she wouldn't even lend me a pen to do this). Was told to write a letter to the head to support my request-with evidence if possible why I must take the holidays now! So here is my best attempt:
Dear Mr Smith

Please would you authorise my children, xx and xx (Reception and Nursery PM) to go on a family holiday (7th-11th November).
As a parent, I obviously do not wish my children to miss any of their valuable education, however at this time it was very difficult for us to book a holiday in school holidays.
Firstly, my husband works predominantly with women with young children who take their holidays in school holiday time for childcare. As his job allows only two staff off at a time, it is very hard for him to get time off in school half terms as the priority is given to those needing it for childcare.
Secondly, we booked the holiday, a year ago when I was unaware of the school policy surrounding leave of absence for holidays.
I would be very grateful if you could authorise these holidays. I can also assure you that I feel this holiday (Centre Parks) will be of educational value to the children since they will be taking part in activities such as art and craft, drama and sports.

The end bit about the educational value of Center Parcs was such a brainwave-surely he will go with this! I was going to really tug at his heart strings and talk about what a stressful year we have had with the house move but throught that might have been taking it to far!

Obviously we are still going even if it doesn't get authorised but my poor kids will start their school life with five days 'unauthorised absense' in the first term!. Needless to say I think starring roles in the school play are also out of the question now seeing as they most likely start practising the nativity next week.

1 comment:

  1. I suspect by now, you'll be having a wonderful time. I envy you because it's one of our favourite places to go - we go to Whinfell Forest in Cumbria. Booked to go twice next year!

    I have to say though, I don't think it should be necessary to write such a long-winded letter to the head. They should understand that not all children can go on holiday during the school holidays and they should accept this. The school receptionist sounds like a right madam! Children are allowed 10 days leave from school, authorised of course, but if they are allowed this then the parents should be able to fill in a standard form. We take Amy to Scotland in October and she has 3 days off. We've done this for years now and none of the schools she's gone to (including her current special school) have bat an eyelid. Because we are farmers, they just expect it, so I guess we are lucky.

    CJ xx
